Selecting A Reader
First, I would have her be beautiful,
and walking carefully up on my poetry
at the loneliest moment of an afternoon,
her hair still damp at the neck
from washing it. She should be wearing
a raincoat, an old one, dirty
from not having money enough for the cleaners.
She will take out her glasses, and there
in the bookstore, she will thumb
over my poems, then put the book back
up on its shelf. She will say to herself,
"For that kind of money, I can get
my raincoat cleaned." And she will.
Ted Kooser
Ideas for literary Halloween costumes! Nobody will know what you are, but it'll still be awesome:
Critic Jessica Mann has quit reviewing because of what she sees as rampant misogyny in crime fiction.
"Authors must be free to write and publishers to publish. But critics must be free to say they have had enough. So however many more outpourings of sadistic misogyny are crammed on to the bandwagon, no more of them will be reviewed by me," said Mann, who has written her own bestselling series of crime novels and a non-fiction book about female crime writers.
Along a similar vein, you guys should keep your eyes peeled for a book we're publishing in March: Enlightened Sexism, by Susan J. Douglas.
Stan Carey on typos:
Its authors, David E. Rumelhart and Donald A. Norman, describe as “capture errors” those that occur ‘when one intends to type one sequence, but gets “captured” by another that has a similar beginning’. Along the same lines, Arnold Zwicky has written about “completion errors“. Typing that instead of than seems to fall into this category, but there are several kinds of capture/completion error, each with its own idiosyncratic and often elusive causes.
Check out this sled coffee table and rug! So cool...
My most [only] desired accessory for my fridge:
“Sound Sculptures & Installations” is a series of beautifully minimal sound installations by swiss Zimoun and Pe Lang.
Zimoun : Sound Sculptures & Installations | Compilation Video V1.0 from [ ] on Vimeo.
Poetry Is A Kind Of Lying
by Jack Gilbert
Poetry is a kind of lying,
necessarily. To profit the poet
or beauty. But also in
that truth may be told only so.
Those who, admirably, refuse
to falsify (as those who will not
risk pretensions) are excluded
from saying even so much.
Degas said he didn't paint
what he saw, but what
would enable them to see
the thing he had.