Thursday, June 16, 2011

Oh, the coming-out-of-nowhere moment

 On Camel's Hump

I pass several hikers
on the trail today.
They've come from all around
to hear what the mountains have
to say.

Bidding farewell
to things ready to go,
setting them on fire
'til there's nothing
to show.

Exhale, exhale long and slow,
goodbye demons,
let the new energy flow.


Hello!  Hope you're all happy and well.  What a magical day this has been...full moon eclipse and release of old goop last night, and ushering in goodness, love, joy n' all things bright today.

Had a lovely, leisurely morning with T, then I hiked Camel's Hump w/ Jones, did some other feel good stuff, and am about to go meet up with great people for evening fun.

I cannot believe my month at Kripalu starts in just two weeks!  I am so ready and to excited; eager to have the tools I need to be the best yoga teacher I can be :)


Me, T, K, and C climbed Mount Washington a few weekends ago!  It was so so awesome.  It was a two night, three day journey (first night bonus was a hail/lightning storm, haha) and felt pretty amazing.  The weather, in general, on that mountain was unlike any I had ever seen.  At that altitude, the clouds move so swiftly and you can be in a brilliant sun patch one second, and a cloudy 82 mph wind mist storm the next.  The terrain is rocky and, at times, was such an adventure and we all agreed we would do it again in a heartbeat!  We are planning another outing for August....white water rafting, perhaps?


Keep your eyes/ears open for a happenin' new online vintage clothing company!  All hand-selected vintage garb in tip-top condition and pre-washed with Seventh Generation products...keepin' it green!


love love love
