A sunny Sunday with my french-pressed coffee and 30 minutes until we go to the park. Beautiful. So, some things to share:
* Last week I was just walking along the sidewalk...walk, walk, walk....and a man in his 60's(ish) is walking toward me and right before we passed one another he starts whistling "Moonlight in Vermont"! I kind of stopped for a second and looked back at him. It was so great. Maybe I was giving off a Vermont vibe. I can only hope. And then, a few days later I was reading in a coffee shop and the same song came on the speaker system. A sign? I think so. A little trip to VT is necessary...I haven't been back since January! ah! The crickets must miss me, and I them! [oh ya, and those other things. The mountains. Only the most glorious vision in American nature]
*You MUST MUST MUST go see two things at MOMA: [as I write this my pulse quickens...that's how much I loved these two exhibits. Both on the 6th floor.]
1. Kippenberger! "The Problem Perspective". Just go.
2. "The Tangled Alphabet", by artists Ferrari and Schendel. Letters, words, language, semiotics, post-structuralism...oh man, it was like Heaven for someone such as myself (blush). But really...go. It was pretty amazing and gets better the deeper you go. My favorite pieces were The Tower of Babel and Planet. These are pieces you can stare at and get lost in and every time your eye shifts you discover these incredible nuances and stories...bring your eyes back to where they've been before and it looks completely different. Yes, I shall be returning to this exhibit...several more times.
3. Yesterday marked the first of countless days laying in the park doing "nothing" [in doing nothing, you realize it's everything]
4. I love when awesome people come to visit...and when you meet more awesome people through them and are then frolicking in a matrix of general awesomeness
5. I love
6. You love
7. We love
The VT captain on the ship attacked by Somalian pirates was described on NPR as such: "He's a stellar man from Vermont. Is that a good enough description? I don't think it gets any better than that". True! Stellar [wo]men from Vermont are pretty wonderful
Looking for the perfect cookbook that has everything. As in, the basics...but all of them. When I cook (which is a lot, lately), I basically just use recipes to get ideas and then whip up my own original meal. BUT, I do need to know things like how to make a basic white sauce, pie crust, etc. "The Joy of Cooking"? Martha Stewart? Hmmm......
may I just say that...
Ok, time to go outside
I know...
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