A few weeks ago, upon hand-delivering a pineapple to my office and later realizing that the act was
not the focal point of my following blog post, my dear friend Ben proclaimed that one day he'd like to be the centerpiece (or "cynosure", if you will) of an upcoming blog post. So this is it!
In short, Ben is a crazy, cracky, cranky, cozy, corrupt, coital, caring, contagious, canny, comical, and compassionate guy.
I think the best way to illustrate our friendship is by sharing random excerpts of Gchat conversations we've had through the months. Our relationship truly blossomed one fine day in...I want to say November?...when we were both at work and experiencing a significant lull in the day. And thus it began. Have I mentioned how hilarious this guy is? Let's just say that at least 10 times someone has walked into my office to find me red in the face, gasping for air, with tears streaming down my face. This is extreme laughter. Anyway, done w/ the rambling. This will most likely be worthless and potentially annoying for anyone who is not Ben or myself, but here it goes.
This one's for you BenYameen, Boops, Beep, Car, and whatever else I call you...
[everyone else may as well switch screens at this time]
me: Hey dude
Benjamin: hey dudette
me: (Remember that tv show from the '90s?)
Benjamin: its snowing like what?
hey dude!
i do!
Benjamin: "my name is Thor Stormborn, I was born on a glacier in helsinki, and I kill bears for a living."
me: I know that guy
Benjamin: "I am also a principal dancer with the bolshoi ballet"
THAT'S a unique guy!
me: "also, I invented the post-it"
Benjamin: "my diet consists of barbed wire, and vegan rice."
"also, I am chuck norris."
me: yaoun chat furrr a biyt?
Benjamin: maybs
Benjamin: you are a cool woman
and i am cougar prey...
me: together...we have the power to...
Benjamin: hm...
gain the respect of older women?
me: slash envy?
me: ADORABLE, love her
Benjamin: she doesnt understand that that makes her sound like a 14 year old with the IQ of a ballpene hammer
Benjamin: but come ON!
me: Je comprends
These chips r going to heavenly, btw
Benjamin: i am kind of a hardass, but i have a mostly happy life and there's little that makes me uncomfortable
me: Guacamole
Benjamin: no that doesnt make me uncomfortable, just aroused
me: Good response, huh?
Benjamin: and also btdubs, i make amazing yam fries
me: I'm making that too (guac)
Benjamin: wait, lemme try that again
also, btdubs, i make amazing sweet potato fries
me: Yam fries ...
Benjamin: the word yam is hilarious
haha say yam fries aloud
me: I did! And I'm cracking up in my kitchen
Benjamin: yeah i generally avoid saying yam because it makes me laugh
me: We should have a cook-a-thong
Woah!!! Thon. Thon
me: u there?
Benjamin: YO, what's up?
me: talking to broccoli ... so boring
Benjamin: oh you'll love it
i saw it on broadway and DIED
me: so excited
Benjamin: hilar
me: ridic
Benjamin: totes
me: love abbrevs
Benjamin: love to hate them
me: hate to love them
it's a double-edged sword
Benjamin: you am not so bright
me: I are two!
Benjamin: no no im starting my mullet
me: HOT
Benjamin: oh yeah
me: mullets r so trendy/edgy (in Spain, circa 1993)
Benjamin: but i shaved my head, except for the last few inches above the back of my neck for my mullet
me: sexy, ben
Benjamin: i figure if I rock that with a nice neckbeard, the ladies will be unable to resist me
thick luxurious neckbeard
Benjamin: nice
did you have a stroke recently ?
me: eff u
me: art thou therest?
Benjamin: no
me: ok, oh well...i'll try again later
Benjamin: thats $2,000 a month julia
me: eek!
Benjamin: absurd
do you know what I could accomplish with that
me: the purchase of many McFlurries
Benjamin: the weth is perf
Benjamin: its almost sensual isn't it
i love that
me: Had to wait till I had turned over all the chips...vital part
Benjamin: totes vite
me: And yes, it's like a mini org
Benjamin: J.V. org
me: I was hoping I had read their book so I could moderate
But noooooo
Benjamin: haha moderate?
you're such a bibliophile...
Benjamin: 3 of my close friends have swine flu
me: huh, just remembered i have a phone call at 8:30
Benjamin: weak people kinda bother me
me: I'm chatting via phone
Benjamin: *gasp!
me: I know...don't say anything
Benjamin: what kind of mystical, magical device is capable of such wizardry??
me: ...I'll explain that to u one day, lil' one
Don't sweat it, I will ease your frazzled mind when I return
I know it's a lot to take
Benjamin: good call
im gonna go poop out of my anus now
me: out of your anus? weird
Benjamin: i know i know
variety is the spice of life
me: your body works so differently than any other i know
Benjamin: do you use gruyere and cheddar and parmesan??
and butter?
and love?
me: yes, YES, and yes
not parm, actually, not necessary. Or gruyere
Benjamin: and crust on top?
me: double up on the "hunter's sharp" cheddar
what is mac n' cheese w/o crust?
Benjamin: oh the hunter's sharp...
mac and gay
me: i'll tell you what it ISN'T: mac n' cheese
Benjamin: god we're so clever
me: mac n' I may as well put this in the garbage disposal
Benjamin: have you heard of the waverly inn?
me: mac n' I just threw up in my mouth a little and it tasted better than "mac n' cheese" w/o crust
ok, im done w. that
Benjamin: we get it
Benjamin: bus it??
shame on you
don't you dare bus it
me: Well it IS only $15
Benjamin: and you pay for what you get
you can't put a price on safety
and by safety i mean luxury
and by can't i mean can
Benjamin: i dont think you're there, but i forgot to tell you the story about the mom who basically proposed marriage to me on the cruise
remind me to tell you lates
me: what!?
sorry, work happened
what cruise? what mom?
Benjamin: it's ok, me too
the cruise i take my clients on after the concert
well, there's an overpriced cash bar, and a group of about 3 of the moms were hitting it pretty hardcore
me: of course
Benjamin: by about 1:30, they were all railed
me: you are such cougar prey
Benjamin: and pretended they were in high school on the dance floor and everything it was hilarious
hahah i
am cougar prey
me: yessss
Benjamin: i decided to have some fun with them, so i went over to schmooze with them
thinking I knew full well how it would end
well, we're talking about what i like to do in NYC
"do you see broadway shows?"
me: haha, right question to ask YOU!
Benjamin: "well, i'll see a show if one of my friends is in it, but I prefer the ballet and the opera"
they swooned...
and one says to me
pointing to her wedding ring
"if it weren't for this fucking thing, i would literally marry you right fucking now."
Benjamin: extra people??
me: in lbs
Benjamin: like a midge for each leg?
midge = midget
me: i knew what that meant, give me some credit
Benjamin: wait what's gross about wetlands?
me: ben, ok, ok, but what about u?
how is your throat?
Benjamin: she's ok
me: best nickname. ever.
Benjamin: hahahaha
thats worth ordering broccoli even if you don't like it
"jules hows that broccoli?"
"pretty boring actually, could major use some spice"
"actully it's REALLY boring"
me: "i actually hate broccoli"
"it's always the same"
Benjamin: "def needs to get laid. I pretend to like broccoli, but i actually am annoyed by it"
me: "broccoli has no libido"
Benjamin: "then sometimes I think i like it, but then i have it, and am reminded why I loathe it so"
Benjamin: anyway, byesies
me: ciaosies
Benjamin: haha nice, we'll talk tomorrow
me: yes
Benjamin: a bientotsies
and so on
me: a tout a l'heursies
ad infinitum
Benjamin: hahahaha enough