Good Morning! A blog post on a Friday morning from the comfort of my own little kitchen...which, by the way, has a fresh batch of beautiful pink flowers sprouting from the table. Coffee, rain outside, a ridiculous conversation already under my belt, a good day ahead...YES!
Is it a little creepy that I am very attracted to the "shot through my heart" necklace in the "boutique" section? I mean, really, I have been thinking about this necklace for about a week now...I don't understand! I think I like that it's simultaneously beautiful and disturbing; a combination I've always been partial to. Check it out:
I like the one w/ the tooth, too
...Which reminds me of my visit to Colorado about 5-6 years ago. I had been skiing all morning and around 1pm decided it was time for the good ol' traditional ski lodge meal: grilled cheese (or mac n' cheese) with waffle fries (lunch of champions) and some poisonous soda beverage. Anyway, I found a table and started taking of my 304,786,506 layers of fleece, wool, cotton, , etc. THEN, I shift my cold little fingers around in my mitten and feel something hard. Hm. So I take the mitten off, clutching to the hard object that I somehow hadn't felt all morning long. I unfold my hand in in my palm rested a......can you guess?......a human molar! The first thing I did was feel all of my teeth with my tongue. Nope, they were all there. Nobody else in the group had lost a tooth, as we were all beyond 10 yrs of age. So, random molar in my mitten. Very strange, but I thought it was pretty cool.
Elderly people still madly in love melts my heart every time. Meet Marcia and Seymour (what great names!):
According to Mr. C-S, eating cheese before you go to bed results in crazy dreams. Huh...I'll have to look into this.
NPR's "Summer Reading 2009":
I remember last Spring I wrote a "Summer Reading" article for UVM's newspaper, The Cynic. I spent a week carefully selecting books that [hopefully] would appeal to a range of people...writing out 50-100 word descriptions for each, carefully crafting my synopsis, etc. At the same time, the paper had asked me to do a piece on long-boarding and how we were seeing many more girls on campus w/ longboards/skateboards than any other year. Of course, for this article, I strolled around campus for about 20 min., interviewed about 5 males/females and chalked the article off in the 10 min. before it was due. MUCH to my dismay, they took the longboard article and chopped out the summer reading piece because it was too long and intricate. Ugh.
I can't believe I won't be able to go to this...
http://www.poets.org/viewevent.php/prmEventID/7860 ...but it's ok, because where I am going is pretty magical, too
I WILL, sur l'autre main, be going to this:
Paul Miller (DJ Spooky)'s remix of D.W. Griffith's "Birth of a Nation"?! WHAT?! I can still feel the first time I saw that film and I am eager to experience it in a new way. Going. To. Be. Awesome:
I am going to go out into the day!
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