Print Man. I.D. please.
I haven't posted in so long! Apologies. Been a lil' busy...
I'll write a real post in a week or so, but for now I have some things to share with you!
One of my new favorites
This place kind of intrigues me: http://www.thrillist.com/new-york/2009/07/28/der-schwarze-kolner
Marc Steinmetz is pretty cool. As are these escape tools created by inmates:
Although a little [extremely] shady, some of these creations are really impressive...
Digging Pineapple Seed. Beautiful simplicity at a reasonable price. Some favorites:
http://pineappleseed.com/jewelry/mecr01.html (men's)
Create your perfect ice cream. Need I say more?
So, I went to this [http://www.theenglishsurgeon.com/] last Friday and it was pretty incredible. This new documentary follows London’s foremost brain MD during a winter in Ukraine as he wrestles with mortality, small miracles, and the risks involved with going under the knife. Aside from almost throwing up and passing out at one point, I really enjoyed it. The director and surgeon were there at the end for a Q&A, which made it all the more rich. I would go on and on telling you what it's about, but check out the site and WATCH IT.
NYT review: http://movies.nytimes.com/2009/07/24/movies/24english.html
More things I like:
Man Booker business..."Wolf Hall" is actually our book, yay! Harper Collins- Fourth is the uk publisher.
Want to read:
Hilarious. Comparing your column about puppies to Joan Didion's masterpiece? I dont think so...
Pretty flippin' cool:
YAY Michael Chabon! YES
Michael Chabon talks about his childhood of freely running around the outdoors, getting into scrapes and exploring. He fears that our new anxieties and desire to control children's lives to protect them from everything from sexual predators to germs is stunting their imagination, with possible ramifications on the future of literature.
More later!
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