Express yo-self!
Speaking of expression, I am kind of digging these:
I wouldn't mind balloon girl living on my wall for a while.
Yard Sale Mania! Find them all!
Sophie Ristelhueber is a Paris-based artist whose powerful work addresses the essence of our existence as individuals and as a civilization. Her photographs and installations result from her need to quell her obsessions that include attention to the traces and scars on the surfaces of the world. Critical, too, is her desire to physically face "reality" which has taken her to Beirut, Kuwait, and Bosnia as well as the Alps, Himalayas and Provence. Yet, the resulting images cannot be considered a travelogue or suited to photo-journalism; instead, Ristelhueber speaks of human nature through the absence of people and through the details she has found in domestic interiors and landscapes. She creates images taken directly from what she experiences without manipulation in the final print resulting in installations far removed from traditional views of the world. In her twenty - year career she has made timeless, moving statements about the most serious issues we face without sentimentality. She offers a view that all these intrusions - whether man-made or natural, - are temporary.
[thanks to KB for sharing!]
A Swiss designer gone NYC...
Supermarket. Very cool stuff.
Random Got Beautiful
James Reynolds
So. Cool.
On how different cultures define happiness:
Moving into a new nook this weekend...once I'm settled I really, really, really WILL write a real post!
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