So, one of our authors is an editor at WIRED Magazine and is having a party tonight at a bar downtown...hosted by WIRED. Because of this, I thought it might be useful for me to peruse their website here and there throughout the day and see what they've been all about lately. Below are some interesting goodies I found along the way:
1. What's inside a cup o' joe?
http://www.wired.com/science/discoveries/magazine/17-10/st_coffee2. Jargon Watch
3. High-Speed video of Locusts may help make better flying robots (wait...do we already have flying robots?! How have I not seen this?!)
4. 1st Generation T-Rex (arguably my least favorite dino) was the size of a wee little human being
5. Octopus....robots....what? It makes sense.
6. Oktober Fest! Maybe I should save up a little money to head to Deutschland?
7. "Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs"...the movie...10 things a parent should know
8. Flowchart reveals: should I deleter my tweet?
9. When nature is freakier than Sci-fi
10. And #10 has nothing to do with WIRED, but...uh...keep f*&$ing that chicken!
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