When you hold it up to you, your face glows...
Still no time for a looong, thoughtful post (I will get to that on Sunday!) but I do have some things to share, as per usual.
First, I was really craving some Orwell today, and then I happened upon this review of the most recent compilation of his essays, DIARIES. Yay! Want it...
"This afternoon I remembered very vividly that incident with the taxi-driver in Paris in 1936, and was going to have written something about it in this diary. But now I feel so saddened that I can’t write it. Everything is disintegrating. It makes me writhe to be writing book-reviews etc at such a time, and even angers me that such time-wasting should still be permitted . . . . At present I feel as I felt in 1936 when the Fascists were closing in on Madrid, only far worse. But I will write about the taxi-driver sometime."
In the midst of all that I read for work, I've been making sure I always have a book going for personal pleasure, too. Starting The Adversary tonight.
Social media mullet! Business in the front, party in the back

This ring is too cool for school. I am so into it!

It even has its own little video
I get a kick out of these stainless steel straws (yep, a kick)

MacArthur winner Sendhil Mullainathan uses the lens of behavioral economics to study a tricky set of social problems -- those we know how to solve, but don't. We know how to reduce child deaths due to diarrhea, how to prevent diabetes-related blindness and how to implement solar-cell technology ... yet somehow, we don't or can't. Why?
Another incredibly cool ring. I still like stump ring better, but this is pretty awesome
Kinekt’s Gear Ring. The Gear Ring is made from high quality matte stainless steel. It features six micro-precision gears that turn in unison when the outer rims are spun. What?!

Aaaaand, this little guy has its own video too!
Kinekt Design's Gear Ring from Glen Liberman on Vimeo.
Now you can customize your own Sigg bottle...sweet. At Cafepress.com....where I recently purchased 10 "Save Pluto" bumper stickers. Yep. True. It is also the website where I bought the men in my family mustache mugs for Christmas. Good site.
Ok, have to do some stuff now, but I promise a good post is coming up on Sunday!
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