Well, tomorrow marks my last day in NYC [for now, anyway]...
I'm getting all nostalgic just thinking about it (but oh so excited!). My time here has been inspiring, intimidating, scary, exciting, educational, heartfelt, painful, chaotic, colorful, eye-opening, textured, etc etc. So many things! I can hardly believe it's been two years.
It's time for me to go though, this much I know. Sometimes you just feel what your next move must be. And for me, it's a farming adventure in Europe! I am so eager to turn the page and begin the next chapter, but first, a little reflection upon NYC and my time spent here.
It's true what people say...New York is a city that truly has it's own personality. I feel not so much like I am leaving a place, but more like I am bidding farewell to a collage of stories, songs, emotions, and energy. NYC holds a special place in the hearts of countless people, and now it does in mine too.
I landed what seemed to be my "dream job", right out of college and moved here eager to dig into this city, this stranger. I was laid off 6 months later, got another great job soon after, made friends, lost friends, went to museums, took classes, listened to myself, listened to others, went to concerts, shows, BBQs, rooftop parties, parks, etc etc. NYC has tossed me all over the emotional spectrum and it has shared with me a unique beauty everyday.
But my time with NYC has come to a close and it feels quite perfect. This city has urged me to self-reflect and to become the best version of myself. For me, that means exploring, doing the things I've imagines doing, and taking leaps...even if I don't know where I'll land. And that's what I'm doing now, I am leaping. And I cannot wait to see where it takes me!
Top things I will miss about NYC:
1/ my friends!
2// mud coffee
3/// MOMA
4//// bikes bikes bikes, all around the city
5///// sidewalk culture
6////// being able to walk everywhere
7/////// the street art
8//////// central park
9///////// laundry service (she sheepishly admits)
10////////// the easy spontaneity of social gatherings
Things I, eh, won't miss so much:
1/ the subway
2// general lack of nature
3/// the effort it takes to be alone in a place other than your apartment
4//// sirens
5///// trash heaps on the sidewalk
6////// slow people on sidewalk and general congestion on sidewalks
7/////// rent
8//////// NYC grocery shopping
9///////// the endless array of weird smells
10////////// constant street and building construction
On another note, I think this is cool:

Lena Goldsteiner came up with a beehive for your balcony, backyard or rooftop garden. Who said that living in the city means you can’t keep bees?
As a beekeeper, you are direct observer of the symbiosis of animal, plants and human. Inspired by Richard Buckminster Fullers theory of Synergetics and Albert Einstein direct and simple conclusion:
“If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe the man would only have 4 years of life left.
- Albert Einstein
Will write more soon, really!
Buckminster Fuller also invented the geodesic dome upon which the top of that beehive is based did he not? Buckminster Fuller is great I've got a fist edition of Spaceship Earth, an interesting piece of social/environmental theory.. What's wrong with grocery shopping in NYC? You'd think there would be an amazingly diverse selection of goods.