Going There
by Jack Gilbert
Of course it was a disaster.
The unbearable, dearest secret
has always been a disaster.
The danger when we try to leave.
Going over and over afterward
what we should have done
instead of what we did.
But for those short times
we seemed to be alive. Misled,
misused, lied to and cheated,
certainly. Still, for that
little while, we visited
our possible life.
I am almost done with The Solitude of Prime Numbers.....wow, read it! Seriously. It's beautiful, literary, smart, accessible, natural to identify with, etc. I knew I'd love it from the 1st page ... beginning with a girl of about 10 yrs old on the ski team and hating it. Ring any bells?! I was laughing out loud on the subway, reading about how she would sing to herself on the way down the mountain, to kill the silence, how she would pee in her snow suit in order to avoid having to go into the lodge and take all of her equipment/attire off, how she'd lose track of her team, how much she feared the races, etc. Uh, that was me on the ski team, pretty much. I would speak to myself in pig latin on the way down the mountain...I got so good at it that it became a coveted skill later down the road (on bus rides to/from school: "hey everyone! Julia is awesome at Pig Latin" "Hey, my friend Julia is, like, the greatest Pig Latin speaker....like....ever!"....yep)...I would, yes, pee in my ski suit from time to time, and before races I would get so nervous that my stomach would coil in on itself and become a ball of pain. I would complain about my stomach ache, in hopes of being able to skip out on the race. But my parents knew it was nerves and I was forced to toughen up and do it. I'm grateful for that now, but back then....ohhhh no. I'm happy to say that I now appreciate my skiiing skills and love to ski recreationally.
Anyway, back to the book. Just read it. On nearly every page there's a sentence I'm inclined to underline.....Paulo Giordano is a beautiful writer (and not too hard on the eyes, either. Oh, and he was 25 when he wrote this. And he's a professional Physicist and is working on his doctorate in particle physics....what?). His descriptions are like poetry w/o being over the top, jam-packed with ornate adjective, and SAT words. A few examples:
The others were the first to notice what Alice and Mattia would come to understand only many years later...There was a shared space between their bodies, the confines of which were not well delineated, from which nothing seemed to be missing and in which the air seemed motionless, undisturbed.
Learned about Air BnB today. Seems like a pretty good way to travel, although not as inexpensive as I'd imagine. They do have a cute lil' cottage in VT for only $69 a night, though!
Lots of fairly good deals in Europe and beyond, too...
Very entertaining: most awesomest thing ever
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