And even though things weren't quite in place yet, she knew it'd be ok. No, it'd be great. Because when you let your heart be your guide and trust the process, the outcome can be nothing short of spectacular.
What an absolutely delightful weekend I had! Yum, yum, yum. It kicked off with.......
Florence and the Machine on Friday night at Terminal 5
Wowzah...now let's talk about an incredible show! SO s good. Florence Welch is frickin' powerful, graceful, beautiful, free, and empowering. It felt great to go to a concert that I loved and left feeling lifted. The last concert that made me feel that way was Feist when I saw her in VT (twice in one year! lucky VT). It's like every song she sang, every lyric she spoke, she was articulating what I've been feeling.
And not only did the concert surpass my expectations (and don't get me wrong, my expectations were quite high), but I was in the company of three gals who have rockin' energy and it made the night beyond enjoyable.
Little things I did this weekend that I'm proud of:
-Hemmed a pair of jeans. A pair of jeans I bought in Sept '09 and haven't worn yet because they were so long. But today? Wore 'em. 'Cuz I hemmed 'em.
-Baked fresh corn bread
-Baked fresh choco chip cookies
-Started reading The Solitude of Prime Numbers, by Paolo Giordano
-Considered sewing lost buttons on various jackets. Will potentially get to that next weekend...or next winter when I need the jackets again.
-Spent a total of....you ready for this? SEVEN....7.....yes, seven dollars. The entire weekend! This is because I am working with a $20 bill till next paycheck. Awesome, I know. But hey, goes to show you don't need to spend mula to have a good time
-Made it to Central Park and enjoyed beautiful weather, frightening fly balls from nearby baseball players, good conversation, and overall peace
-Made cream garlic risotto with greens and spicy sausage for din din
Looks like I cooked more than usual, eh? You know why? Because I [she sheepishly admits] watched Julie & Julia and was totally inspired to get my bum into the kitchen more often. I actually learned a lot about Ms. Julia Child. Did you know that she didn't start cooking [seriously, at least] until she was 36?! I'm not saying 36 is old, but it made me feel like I don't need to be on some race track to my life calling....so that was nice. Anyway, it was neat to learn about her experience at Le Cordon Bleu, her adorable relationship w/ her husband, her sister (who I couldn't watch w/o thinking of Sue Sylvester), the loooong process of trying to get her 1st book published, etc.
I ted to steer clear of movies that are so hyper-hyped, but it felt right to watch it in the moment and I'm glad I did.
I also watched The September Issue. More on that in a future blog post...
I want to get a fancy pants, yet manageable, digital camera. Any suggestions? I'm thinking something in the Canon Rebel family...
I'm looking forward to the day where something pokes me in the rib and inspires me to start writing. Like....real writing. And I know it'll happen....and I feel it's going to happen soon...and ohhh how I'm inviting it. I think that cold weather/winter/general moodiness/weird schedule/certain shifts have been preventing it. But the path is clearing.
Super excited about this:
Urban Outfitters has teamed up with Society6, an international artist community representing more than 70 countries worldwide, to bring you PRINT SHOP. Select your favorite piece and choose to have it printed as a gallery-quality art print, iPhone skin or laptop skin. Society6 will print it and ship it directly to you.
I want to try out one of the laptop skins....
Mmmmmuch much more to write...but I'm getting sleepy and I still have stuff to do before bed. One thing being: luscious bubble bath.
such an exciting weekend for you. i'm so sad that i didn't get to see you... but October's gonna be amazing!!!