Buonjourno, friends! I finally have a few minutes to write a quick blog post. Now at Tenuta di Valgiano...aka: paradise.
We arrived a little over a week ago and everyday I still wake up, look around and say to myself, "really?". This place is unreal. It's beyond picturesque, the people are incredibly open, beautiful, warm, and friendly.
We work from 8 to 5:30 Monday through Friday. The work ranges from pruning/fixing the vines in the many many vineyards (very taxing work, but so rewarding....sunburn and all), cleaning up the old buildings, painting, bottling wine, etc. It feels so good to be a part of something so pure and I love how at the end of each day I am genuinely physically exhausted and have scrapes on my legs, dirt beneath my fingernails, paint all over my legs and numerous layers of sweat...everywhere.
People here live a very simple life and it makes me realize that all I need is my little backpack full of stuff, purpose, and good company.
This past weekend was our first here in Valgiano and a few of the locals invited us on an intense camping trip with them. Why do I say intense? We carried heavy backpacks with us during a rigorous 2 hour hike and then, I kid you not, scaled some vertical rocks above the crashing riptide of the Mediterranean as the sun set. Our goal was to make it to an abandoned shack on the other side of a very dangerous rock formation, but it was literally impossible to get there before the sun set (and at least one of us would have inevitably been smashed against the rocks on the "swim" over), so we rock climbed back about 20 min and slept beneath the stars on a huge rock. We ate a delicious dinner of tomatoes, cheese, bread, and some of the best olive oil I have ever tasted.
The next morning was beautiful and the water had calmed down a bit, welcoming us for a cool afternoon swim. Two of the guys and I ended up swimming over to the shack we had originally planned on sleeping in. It was a satisfying 20 min swim and the exploration on the other side was pretty cool. The rip tide was still strong though and it took me about 5 tries to make it onto shore...I had yet another moment where I felt like I was in extreme danger, as the waves threw me onto the shore and then pulled me back in, over and over...big rocks smashing against me, etc. I am bruised and scraped up, to say the least, but oh how wonderful it was! I love being around people who eat up adventure and it inspires me to do the same; to be fearless, to be purely human. The hike back was amazing and very hard on our bodies...we were so sore from te day befgore and we had over one thousand steep steps to climb. Wow! The weekend proved to me that I/my body can do whatever I need it to. I have so much to share, pictures to post, but must write quickly now, as we have to prepare lunch in a few min.
Oh! I'll also have to tell you all about the cherry trees lining the narrow roads, the fresh honey in the fields(eaten right from the comb!), olive trees, our favorite bar here, details about biodynamic wine making, the wine wine wine, etc.
In about 8 days, Lori and I head to France. I'll be sad to leave Valgiano (the work, the astounding scenery, the smells, our little home, and more) but I have appreciated and will continue to always be grateful for every little experience here and I eagerly await what is to come in France!
On the way to our next farm, we'll be hiking the Cinque Terre (which will be a total breeze after last weekend!), and taking a train from the last city over to Cahors. The couple we'll be staying with seems so sweet and the work will be quite different... primarily dealing with vegetables, selling at the farmer's market, etc.
Coming to Europe for this trip/work has been one of the best decisions of my life. I feel real, whole, full of purpose and zest. It just proves to me yet again how necessary it is to have outdoor air everyday, to use your body, connect to nature and people...to be a part of the ecosystem itself. I thank the Universe for this opportunity and while I don't know exactly what my next move will be when I return to the states (and why even think about that right now?) I know I'll be returning as the best version of myself--a grounded, inspired, invigorated, rejeuvinated Julia. YES!
I feel like this entire post is in pseudo broken English. I have been picking up a surprising amount of Italian just being around it constantly. Knowing French has helped a lot and I am amazed by how much Italian I understand now. When speaking English though, I find myself having to break it down with the classic text book english....so my phrases will be something like "habitually, my colleagues and I go out to the bars after we eat our dinner at our homes" instead of "My friends and I usually go out after dinner at home"....you know, stuff like that. So I apologize if my writing isn't quite as whimsical and ornate as it could be! Also, time to go prepare lunch!
I hope to write more very soon, once I have more consistent access to the internet. Just know that I am a very happy girl, evolving in every way I had hoped to on this trip. Rebuilding parts of myself that have, unfortunately, devolved over the past couple of years. Rebuilding, reclaiming the Self.
Ok, all: love love love!
As a dear friend here told me: do something that scares you every day...risk your life every day. (although he said it in a funny broken0English way). While risking your life every day may be a bit on the extreme side, do something every day that is totally out of the norm for you. I cannot express enough how amazing it feels. Dig into a DIY project, paint your house, start an herb/veggie garen, go take a wood working class, make a challening meal you've never tried before, live more simply, throw away all of the crap you don't need, go online only 2 times per week, make real connections, etc.
AMEN sister! my heart and soul is there with you and lori. i am deeply happy for you. i went through so many of the same emotions. ah life - it is good.