...hope you all enjoyed last night's new moon and sent some authentic and beautiful manifestations out into the vast and gracious Universe!
I am in the midst of studying Anatomy/Physiology for the class I am taking and I just gotta say: I LOVE IT! I was such a biology nerd in high school and I kind of let that part of me collect dust over the following years...but the dust is comin' off, baby. It's like learning a new language, a new science, a new look on life! Once I have this knowledge in my pocket (after 2 semesters), I'll be prepped for Ayurveda school and ready to drink in even more info.
What a glorious life <3
Speaking of Ayurveda school...still trying to narrow the schools down. Debating between going to a place in California or heading right to India. Will be speaking with local practitioners throughout the next couple of months and will be able to make a decision later. Exciting!
Made loads of apple bars the other day. They came out very well and people close to me are reaping the benefits of my baking frenzy! Because I am on this cleanse (which is feeling amazing, by the way), others are the consumers of my creations. Which is fun for me too...although OH how I want a bite of those bars! I already have a running list of things I must consume on day #1 after the cleanse. First two things on the list are: coffee and avocado bubble tea. Yes, please!
NYC tomorrow through Tuesday. It'll be my first visit since I moved away in May. I am so excited to see friends, old and new, to visit MOMA, wander the blackened streets, and soak up the vibes (only the good ones, though!). I'm sure it'll feel a bit weird, too.....as mentioned in earlier posts, New York holds a very unique place in my heart and thoughts of it stir up both joy and pain. So, will let you know how it felt to return for a few days.
The weather here is officially Autumn-esque! Ohhhhhh how I am loving it. Boots, crazy-colored tights, skirts, layered tops, scarves, cardigans...I love how Fall fashion invites you to be creative and fun with your pieces. Good stuff. Oh, splurged a bit on a new pair of dark brown short Frye boots yesterday. Obviously an awesome and even necessary purchase.
The leaves are already changing a bit and the hikes have been so refreshing and cleansing. Every day I am in awe of our Earth.
Eagerly awaiting pumpkin carving season...
I have some cool new findings and such to share with you, but for now I have to get back to this gigantic text book in front of me (I swear it weighs 10 lbs) and then deliver batches of apple bars to various lucky apartments.
Sending love to you all
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