[title of this post is taken from a poem that my very talented friend, H. Wainhouse, wrote. Maybe one day he'll let me post his works on my blog...]
Just dropped the little bro (ok, not so little anymore) off at the airport. ::sigh:: Not to be a total cheese ball, but I really am such a proud sister. He's off to Peru for the 3rd time, in search of something that many of us are too afraid to confront. He's a wise soul, a warrior of light, and a beautiful open heart. By seeing how he processes things and moves through life, I am gently reminded to use my heart as my compass, and to listen to those feelings within...no matter how crazy they seem. So, good luck with everything, Ange, I love you, and I'll see you in three weeks.
I continue, almost daily, to meet and re-connect with the coolest people here in VT. LOVING IT. Thank you, Universe! How lucky we all are...
Thanks to K.R. for this great commencement speech by David Foster Wallace. Good stuff.
In the midst of moving, I found old videos of me dancing! I obviously dropped everything and dedicated the next couple hours to watching them. It's so funny how I simultaneously feel so disconnected from the person on the screen and yet, feel like nothing has changed. Life! What mystery. Anyway, so nice to have these on hand now and I am working on getting them onto my hard drive and possibly posting a couple short videos.
Today marks day #1 of my experience with the Clean Cleanse. This is a very harmonious 21-day detox cleanse that basically resets your body (more specifically, the body's detoxification center). This is an elimination cleanse, meaning you eliminate anything from your diet that you could possibly be allergic to and, after 21 days, slowly begin to integrate everything back in. Through this process you become aware of any food sensitivities you may have.
All you need is the book, a blender, and a genuine desire to be a more whole, healthier you...on all levels.
Ancient cultures were acutely aware of the need for the body's digestive track to get breaks. Simple things like giving your body a 12 hour fasting window between dinner and breakfast, fasting one day per week, etc. were part of their habitual lives. In today's society, we are eating almost constantly, throwing back "food" that our body can barely compute because it is so far from anything natural, always on the go, and tossing our blood sugar levels all over the place.....causing us to eat more (yet again) and at weird hours of the day.
This cleanse urges you to resume normal eating times (breakfast when sun rises......dinner before sun fall....very similar of Ayurvedic practices), and to eat only real food. Through this process, people return to their truly healthy state, they begin to glow, have surges of energy they never knew were buried deep in there, heal emotionally, etc. etc.
Here's a bit from the website/book:
How many of us can honestly say we do not suffer from at least one of the following:
. Colds or viruses each year
. Allergies or hay fever
. Restless nights
. Recurrent indigestion, constipation, or irritable bowel syndrome
. Itchy skin, acne, or any other troubling skin condition
. Depression, anxiety, or frequent fatigue
If you were to seek medical advice for any of the above, you would likely be prescribed pills, topical lotions, injections, or even surgery. Such treatments are used to manage the symptoms and do not address the root of the problem. Too often, doctors treat these common ailments as inevitable costs of living a modern life. The result is a patchwork approach to health care that has become the norm.
In Clean, a New York City cardiologist and a leader in the field of integrative medicine, Dr. Alejandro Junger offers a major medical breakthrough. Dr. Junger argues that the majority of these common ailments are the direct result of toxic buildup in our systems accumulated through the course of our daily lives. As the toxicity of modern life increases and disrupts our systems on a daily basis, bombarding us through our standard American diet and chemical-filled environments, our ability to handle the load hasn’t accelerated at the same rapid pace. The toxins are everywhere, but Clean offers a solution.
Clean is an M.D.’s program that provides all the tools necessary to support and reactivate our detoxification system to its fullest capabilities, and can be easily incorporated into a busy schedule. The effect is transformative: nagging health problems will suddenly disappear, extra weight will drop away, and for the first time in our lives we will experience what it truly means to feel healthy.
Every day spent on the Clean program is a major step in healing not just the symptom but the root of the problem, effectively and simply. Dr. Junger’s life-changing program restores what rightfully belongs to you—your health, vitality, and peace of mind.
...very cool, huh? I started today and will be doing it with a group of people here in Burlington. I am a true believer in the idea that only once you have a healthy body can you heal/progress emotionally and mentally. So, this is phase one! Looking forward to re-activating the true powers of my detox system and seeing how I feel once this really gets going.
I do love my food and I am already mourning the loss of three weeks of wine/beer and exotic dinners. But 3 weeks really isn't that long, and if this is potentially life-changing....hey, I'm game!
It is so so hot here....going to go hop on my bike and meet a friend for a [non-alcoholic] beverage.
biz biz biz
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