Suddenly life is very, very busy again! It's so interesting to me....I just had several weeks of practically no schedule and in that entire time I was not particularly inspired to write, paint, draw, create, etc. YET, now that life I hustling again, I find myself filling all of my spare moments filling pages with words dug up from the deepest craters of my innards, hanging out to dry on the lines of my moleskine while I try to makes sense of them. A spare 15 minutes means finally getting around to reading The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran, or an hour means digging my acrylics out of storage and slapping colors onto a canvas. Funny how that works, huh? I've always known that I am a person who needs some sort of routine/schedule...but it wasn't until recently that it's been so clear to me as to how that effects the activities that fill my white space.
Yay for creativity!
Full moon tonight. Can you feel it?!
I can. Always. Always know when a full moon is around the corner. I feel the magnetic pull. We are about 80% water....it's no wonder.
Got the most beautiful letter of my life last night. It made me nearly crumble with gratitude to have this person not only in my life, but as my brother. I walked my dog afterward in the pitch black, feeling like we didn't need a flashlight because I was still glowing from his words.
I have so much more to share! Yet, I need to focus on a bunch of other stuff right now. Will write a real post soon...promise!