Don't you sometimes feel as though your emotions and thought processes can only be depicted as such? [see above]
I was going to dedicate an entire blog post to final thoughts on my Euro adventure....then I realized that I'd never have "final" thoughts on it -- it's truly an ongoing experience. What I had there will continuously fill me with bright inspiration, a feeling of groundedness, and pure joy. And these are things I always carry with me.
I'm writing in the midst of a Vermont rainstorm and loving it. The air quality is such that I am transported back to childhood and memories of forest adventures, playing Cops and Robbers with the neighborhood kids, rolling down grassy hills, hiking with my family, swimming in the lake, giggling with friends, whittling sticks by the fire, and camping all come to life. And still, these are the things that are most important to me (maybe minus the Cops and Robbers...maybe...). The element of play in one's life, I believe, can be the most healing of all.
Speaking of healing, I am looking into the possibility of attending an Ayurveda school to become a practitioner. I've always (especially more recently) intuitively practiced Ayurvedic philosophies/methods without even technically knowing about the system. When I happened upon an Ayurveda book in my parents house (stuff like this happens when you have cool parents), I began reading it and I could almost feel something click.
I've known for a while now that I want to go into a profession that helps to guide people their unique path to self-healing; whole healing. Ayurveda (a 5,000 year old Indian system of "medicine") re-connects people with the Earth (via food, our most direct relationship to Mother Nature), incorporates yoga practice (physically, mentally), using herbs as medicine, and generally emphasizes overall lifestyle balance. The science promotes prevention and encourages maintaining health by paying close attention to balance in one's life through a clear/open mind, eating the right food for your personal dosha (type/constitution), lifestyle and herbs.
Very, very cool.....and so natural. I have much, much more to learn and it's all very exciting and feels so right. (!)
Oh, made this last night:

Rice noodles lightly tossed in a homemade peanut/ginger/garlic sauce, topped with lightly stir-fried veggies, drizzled in a homemade coconut/red curry/avocado sauce, garnished with crushed peanuts and scallions. OH, it was good.
Lots to share...
When ideas have sex
At TEDGlobal 2010, author Matt Ridley shows how, throughout history, the engine of human progress has been the meeting and mating of ideas to make new ideas. It’s not important how clever individuals are, he says; what really matters is how smart the collective brain is.
Love this stop motion video...
The PEN Story
They shot 60,000 pictures, developed 9,600 prints and then again shot over 1,800 pictures. And apparently without any post production...what?!
Wow, forgot how much I love The Selby. Now I recall why the internet used to suck me in for hours at a time....
Bookshelf Porn! Ahhhhh, amazing! An entire site dedicated to bookshelves. Thank you to whatever nerdy genius came up with this...it's glorious
Speaking of bookshelves...
Design*Sponge has a great Sneak Peak on book storage! It's giving me some pretty cool ideas. One of my many, many goals is to make my own bookshelf (oh, and a table!)

Hipster Fashion Cycle Infographic designed by Emily Miethner

Gotta love flowcharts
Ok, I have some lovely hand-painted cards by my side here and it's time to write in them and send them to various places around the world!
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