Thursday, January 28, 2010

Giggles n' Such


So, unless you've been living like a caveman, you're well aware of the recent unveiling of the new iPad

BCS and I both agree, as I am sure many do, that the name is...well...not the best. After some witty exchanges about iPads and iTampons, I get this email from BCS this morning and I practically had tears running down my face, as I do with most of his emails.

Here's his genius Ad campaign for the new iPad....can;t you just see it?:


“Pretend this pitcher of iced tea is really a gallon of your menstrual fluids. Watch how the iPad absorbs and conceals with minimal expansion!”

[cut to svelte couple, she has bleached blonde overly-feathered hair circa 1986, they’re laughing, walking arm-in-arm on a beach]

Woman, while laughing-

“ Now that's technology I can get used to!”

[as they walk away in slow-mo, she turns around, looks at camera, winks]

Woman, sentimentally-

“Thanks, iPad. You saved my marriage.”


“iPad. Surf the web, listen to tunes, and just go with the flow. (Availabletodayinthefemininehygieneaisleatyourlocaldrugstore.)”


Ok, back to work. Felt I needed to share. I know it's a little raunchy....but...


Oh, also: snow this morning! Made me so beautiful

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tyger Tyger Burning Bright...


So, um, I mean...I don't think I even need to say anything with this one. Just watch and be amazed:


Clouds are the new mustache?

Hehe. From Joe Bauldoff


Clouds are pretty cool, but still...


Ok, so much work teux deux


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Goody goody gumdrops


Things to share before my things to do. [I've already accomplished two rather large tasks today, btw. Productivity burst? I think so...]


This is inspiring me to make my own marshmallows, once and for all. With cute little cookie cutter shapes. Also, The cocoa blog hasn't been updated since December, I know...but February is City Bakery's "Hot Cocoa" Month, so much much more on the horizon...I promise!

They have a "beer hot cocoa"...need I say more?


And while we're looking at cloud-shaped things, how cute are these cloud-shaped salt & pepper shakers?


We all live in a yellow submarine...

The TeaSub submerges tea leaves to the bottom of your cup, creating the perfect infusion of your favorite brew. This could inspire me to start drinking loose-leaf teas...


Would have killed for this as a kid. And if I had a real table now, this would be ON it...

White PVC Table Cloth that you decorate yourself. The D.I.Y. Table Cloth changes as time goes by and more and more notes, drawings and decorations are added.


How cool are these greeting cards?



Monday, January 25, 2010

That could only mean...


Yay, yay, home earlier than I thought I'd be. Time to read n' blog n' write n' draw n' ...


Of all olfactory senses, I've always felt that smell is the strongest. At least when it comes to memory. Today I was walking down the stairs at work to head outside [into what I'm pretty sure was a hurricane] and the last flight had a lingering scent that...BOOM...took me back. To my grandpa. It was HIS smell and no other. It was the smell of summers playing on the driveway or in the backyard. Him there on the chair smoking his cigar and me pausing in the midst of the action to raise my head and watch him puff. I remember watching the swirls of smoke and wondering where they went and if other people would know that was my grandpa's smell. His garage reeked of cigar smoke. In a good way. The smell brings his face back to me...

I was thinking of this during my lunch break...walking through the storm....I had no real destination in mind...but images of him there, beside his golf cart, sitting on that plastic chair, puffing that cigar, whirled through my head.

I [beeeeeeeep] love[ed] that man. Yeah, we had our differences...a man born at the beginning of the century and a woman born in the mid '80s are bound to. He triggered something inside of me that made me stand up at the dinner table and use my entire voice and the span of my arms to tell him that the fight for women's rights is real, that happiness doesn't always mean a big pile of money in the bank, that a mix of skin colors in one room is a beautiful thing, etc. etc.

He was set in his ways and at times, yeah, it made me want to scream at the top of my lungs. And I would. And it felt so amazing and it always ended with his strong grip on the back of my neck...but in a comforting way. That was always his way of protecting, or his equivalent to a hug, or...something just to say "I know...I'm here".

I think that perhaps he found a secret delight (or something) in the fact that when he said "I'd like a coffee", instead of jumping up to grab one for him (like the rest of the family), I'd say "The machine's on the counter top" ha.

Love love love him. Miss miss miss him. And I'm not idealizing him....I know he was far from the perfect man. But that doesn't mean it's not ok for me to love him w/ all my heart [enter more deeps thoughts that I don't feel like writing right now]

He was 86 and somehow it still came as a surprise. He just seemed like he'd never go. And that's how I feel about my grandma, too. And it's so painfully obvious that she'll be gone soon, too. And I need to make sure I get it all in before it's gone. Ask her everything, show her everything, let her know that she's brave even though she thinks she's weak, she's bright, sassy, wise, and more sentimental than she'll ever lead on. But yeah, smells....


Once Upon A Time

I called myself
lost, which is kind
of funny, because in order
to be lost, isn't it implied
that you know what it is
to be found?

I would stroll
the streets singing, "I
once was lost, but now..."
and realizing I
wasn't what came
next, I'd let my voice
trail off.

People would talk
about paths, and how
you know you're on
one, and how to find
one, and how everybody
has their own. But it seemed
like they were all trekking
along slightly varied models
of the same route.

look out

my window
as a young girl
and think about this path
of mine and when it would reveal
itself to me and how long
it'd take to travel. I remember
hoping it was a dirt path, not paved
smooth and glossy

like the new

streets running throughout
the town. I wanted potholes,
rocks, sticks and mud, curves,
hills, cliffs, and forests.

I wanted texture, color,
characters and music.

[to be continued...again, lazy writing night]


Thinking a lot tonight about childhood and such. When I was little I would hum as I fell asleep. I remember thinking that if I didn't, I'd lose my voice in the middle of the night. Hm, wonder what the root of that was. Or maybe this is something a lot of kids think?

I remember being elated practically every morning when I'd wake up and hummmmmm and hear sweet, sweet voice.


Re-defining. Re-defining.


so much more, but I'll leave you tonight with this, because I love it...and I love Jack Gilbert...and I will never, ever forget the night I heard him recite "The Forgotten Dialect of The Heart" and this, too, is quite stunning:

Tear It Down

We find out the heart only by dismantling what
the heart knows. By redefining the morning,
we find a morning that comes just after darkness.
We can break through marriage into marriage.
By insisting on love we spoil it, get beyond
affection and wade mouth-deep into love.
We must unlearn the constellations to see the stars.
But going back toward childhood will not help.
The village is not better than Pittsburgh.
Only Pittsburgh is more than Pittsburgh.
Rome is better than Rome in the same way the sound
of raccoon tongues licking the inside walls
of the garbage tub is more than the stir
of them in the muck of the garbage. Love is not
enough. We die and are put into the earth forever.
We should insist while there is still time. We must
eat through the wildness of her sweet body already
in our bed to reach the body within that body.

-Jack Gilbert


Yes, yes.

Instead, a circle of light


Hi. It's Monday. I had a pretty wonderful weekend.




I seriously almost peed in my pants when I saw these Helvetica cookie cutters:

By Beverly Hsu

ohhhh, the cookies I'd make!


I'm liking this Matthew Rich guy


"A long complicated sentence should force itself upon you, make you know yourself knowing it and the comma, well at the most a comma is a poor period that it lets you stop and take a breath but if you want to take a breath you ought to know yourself that you want to take a breath."

Gertrude Stein excerpted from the 1935 “Poetry and Grammar.”


Ew ew ew ew...and, oh yeah...EW. The latest issue of Rolling Stone has John Mayer on the cover and it's make me want to hurl all over the place.

The photo is bad enough.....the interview is absolutely appalling. Seriously. I'd excerpt some of it here, but I might actually throw up if forced to reproduce those words on my blog.

...and it's too bad. I don't mind his music...


My class starts in one weeeeeeeeeek! YAY!


Ok, I have so much to do now...but wanted to post-a-roo


Friday, January 22, 2010

I know Mrs. Grundy

Good Morning, comrades.

[reminds me of a classic Ben question: B--"What's another word for comrade or compatriot that starts with an "f"?" J--"Um...friend?" ]


So, first order of business before I start my real business is this: I went to see The Urgency last night and looooooved it. I was surprised. I guess I'm into rock music. Anyway, my bro and I know the singer, Tyler, and it just so turns out that the bassist is our 1/2 brothers' cousin. Oh, Vermont. I recommend you check them out. My fave song so far is "Fingertips"

I added a few of their songs to this ever-growing playlist [best if listened to on shuffle mode]


Next, update on white noise messages:

1.21: 9:57am

1.21: 12.08pm

hmmm....still not connecting the [non-existent] dots on this little mystery


I always get to the office about 30 min. before everyone and around 9am, when people still aren't here, I get this little voice in my mind that's like " one is this some holiday that i didn't know about?!" and then I start fantasizing about what I'd do with my day off. And then people roll in.

For some reason it reminds me of one of my all time favorite Shel Silverstein poems:


'I cannot go to school today, '

Said little Peggy Ann McKay.
I have the measles and the mumps,

A gash, a rash and purple bumps.

My mouth is wet, my throat is dry,

I'm going blind in my right eye.

My tonsils are as big as rocks,
I've counted sixteen chicken pox

And there's one more-that's seventeen,

And don't you think my face looks green?

My leg is cut-my eyes are blue-

It might be instamatic flu.

I cough and sneeze and gasp and choke,

I'm sure that my left leg is broke-

My hip hurts when I move my chin,

My belly button's caving in,

My back is wrenched,
my ankle's sprained,

My 'pendix pains each time it rains.

My nose is cold, my toes are numb.

I have a sliver in my thumb.
My neck is stiff, my voice is weak,

I hardly whisper when I speak.

My tongue is filling up my mouth,

I think my hair is falling out.

My elbow's bent, my spine ain't straight,

My temperature is one-o-eight.

My brain is shrunk, I cannot hear,

There is a hole inside my ear.

I have a hangnail, and my heart is-what?

What's that? What's that you say?

You say today is...Saturday?

G'bye, I'm going out to play! '

Ha, how adorable is that?! "what's that you say? you say today is...Saturday? G'bye, I'm going out to play!". Cute.


WHAT?! My pulse is racing. No joke. I NEED this. It's getting hot in here...

BookBook is a hardback leather case designed exclusively for MacBook and MacBook Pro. Available in Classic Black or Vibrant Red



Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rushes In

Looping over and over in my head

Left hook, didn't see it comin'

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How astonishing it is that language can almost mean,

...and frightening that it does not quite.


Last night I was lying awake in bed and making a list in my head of all the reasons I'm a lucky girl. The list got really long and it made me happy. Then I had a dream about breathing underwater...and that just extended the happiness.


Andrew comes into town today. In fact, he comes in a matter of minutes. I got this text from him about an hour ago:

"Ju, on plane in Burl. One time me and text subway directions again to your apt?" I might add, this is after I sent him the world's longest e-mail yesterday about how exactly to get to my apartment from the airport AND how exactly to get to my office.

"One time me" is an Ange phrase. When I first heard it a few years ago, I was like "wtf?". But it's grown on me. It basically means "come on, just this one time." So, for example, you could say: "The guy at the ice cream shop one-timed me and gave me extra whipped cream". Or, you're asking a friend for a somewhat grand favor and you say, "can you one time me and [insert favor]"

Anyway, excited to have the bro here for a few days


I like this



by Matt Brown

A lot of people sort of twist their notebooks when they write in them, this Slant-Ruled Notebook by Matt Brown has lines that are at a 45 degree angle- good if you have to write in a tight spot, like on an airplane, or in a trash can...or the subway.


The Zen Humidifier uses no electricity: Instead, water is drawn up through the wood and evaporated into the air. According to the designers — the Japanese firm Okada — this process evaporates water six times faster than if you left in in a glass.

...and look how pretty it is!




Oh yeah, another list I made in my head while trying to find sleep last night: books that I've lent people that haven't been returned yet. Sad. I love my books. So, my dear friends, please return them to meeeeeeee.


Refusing Heaven

The Unbearable Lightness of Being

The Book: On The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are

When You Are Engulfed In Flames


Falling Man


Thom Gunn, Selected Poems

The Alchemist

George Orwell: A Collection of Essays

Minima Moralia

That's all I can think of for now...

I love sharing books...a book loved and not shared is like a child loved and not, um, let out to play with the other kids (?). Whatever, you get it. I just wants my kids back, people!


Sweet! [and a little disturbing]

Dear Van Gogh is a mug by Mike Mak with a silicone ear-shaped handle that twists and flexes.


French has no word for home,
and we have no word for strict pleasure. A people
in northern India is dying out because their ancient
tongue has no words for endearment.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This time it'll be different

Yeah. Gotta stop doing this.




Zee alphabet izz complete!

Monday, January 18, 2010

I. Am. Very. Awake.

clippity clip clip

so. awake. going to be one of those nights.

Anyway, reading through some stuff I wrote back in the day.....poems and such from college (freshman year through senior). Some are pretty intense. Makes me realize, yet again, how resilient the human heart and mind are. Remember those times you were so sad or so angry with everything that you literally thought you might die? And then, without even knowing how, you make it through. And life rocks once again. And that's beautiful.

I'll share a few of the pieces I'm sifting through tonight..most will remain unread by any other human...ever. But here are some of the tamer musings...


The Exquisite Corpse Will Drink the Young Wine

[January 2009]

I re-member the body of my past
trying to compartmentalize the smells,
tastes and souls of my twenty-three
years. 8, 627.5 days and counting,
207,038 hours and tick
to record.

The pulse of time
rocks me to sleep
only to hastily pluck me
from my ensconced unconsciousness.

A Rubik’s Cube of entangled visceral

some embedded, others hanging by a fraying
thread. I have no agency
in their whereabouts.

Recalling the ghosts,
my brother tells me, is a noncore act
of the grappling mind.

But I like to wear them, these memories
of mine. They are pockets, buttons, zippers
and sleeves.

My grandpa’s hand
cupping the nape of my neck. Age
Cardigan on my right shoulder.

Autumns of my youth reside
within my clavicle. In the winter,
wool sweater on my belly.

Robbers and cops
with the neighborhood kids, the sun
resting crimson sweeps
at eight in the evening.
Towel around my ribcage.

The camel sand dividing
gelid lake and tepid reservoir. Shrieks of delight
racing to the end of the peninsula. Finding a point
continuously eroding.
Paint on my toes.

Bright stage lights
and shiny Marley floor. Sweat crawling
down my spine and chest. Ears picking up
the sound of hard toes carrying graceful bodies.
Shawl across my upper back.

Warrior toxins blazing through
her crepe paper veins. I stare
into the whiteness
of my dorm room. Bloodless fingers clutching
the receiver trying
to touch the voice in my ear.
Scarf hugging my throat.

Eyelashes, tongue, skin,
thighs, knees, organs, and the base
of my spine.


Tick, tock

I play
with these fossils;

pieces in
a round of Tetris.
these stories I sing
to myself.



[May 2008]

Like brittle nature under man’s foot
but this time it’s live bone snapping
beneath the pressure of it’s own, and relief
blankets the cushy marrow as it throbs
with the terrifyingly charged pain
necessary to live. Nerves break
free, torn asunder in an instant and they cry
with vigor, for they’re wide awake
in their blood-
red feverish birth.

Brain knows, hands grasp, tears flow—
a perfect system. Flawless in its execution,
fluid swells, skin is taut, signals pulsing,
And the heat.
It goes beyond the flesh
and warms the outside air
as nearby molecules respond
by quickening their pace.


Stream of consciousness writing

[September 2007]

I’d like to say that I woke up to the gentle warmth of sun beaming through the glass and onto my forehead. That the rays sweetly kissed my lids as the scent of a new day filled my lungs. The truth is, I never slept. The truth is, it will be hours until that mysterious flaming ball rises.
I am sitting in bed now. The clock is in the other room but I’d say it’s four o’clock. I tried to sleep, I did. But I think that’s the worst thing I could have done. Now sleep will avoid me. It could be days until we reconcile.
Words like “alas”, “hither”, and “fair” swirl through my mind. The William Blake I read a few hours ago? I wish language were still so romantic. But there’s a bitter falseness to it. The words don’t go down smoothly.
All I want is a cigarette. I’m not a smoker but I can almost feel the distinctly hot, poisonous cloud making it’s way through me. And what’s the difference between emotional and gaseous poison? May as well go all out.
I pull the sheets from my body and slip down the bed. There’s that black leather coat from France. I recall leaving a pack in the pocket. The coat is on the bottom of the pile. Never got around to putting hooks in the wall. There are two cigarettes left and a zebra-striped lighter. I’d like to say it was the only one at the store, but in reality I thought it was perfect. A black leather bombshell and a zebra-striped lighter. Who was I?



[September 2008]

They’re all I have
on this freezing cold
night of velvet dark. Alone,
I gather them from the ground,
from mid air and from the nape
of my neck. There are gobs
of them nestled in my throat
and they’ve been there for years,
quivering with fear, begging
not to be spoken.

Now, here,
on this mountain
of wet, sandy memories, I am forced
into a mean game of scrabble

for you.
The letters I need don’t exist,
and the words I crave are lost
in the prose of poets

But I’m not strong, you know.
If I could, I would speak pages,


about my gaping heart wound
decorated with the corpses
of lovers vanished, friends faded
and journeys truncated.

But those, too,
will lie, forever incomplete,
within this greedy throat
of mine.


When The Universe Whispers

[June 2008]

Everything comes alive,
waking up
from an involuntary slumber
brought on by stagnant energy,
hesitant breath,
and memories drenched
with ennui.

A blanket of consciousness
dries in the sweet summer
air and as its weight is lifted,
children hear birds
from inside. They run
down the stairs and through the threshold
to join the dulcet chorus.

An old widow reads in the den
as a severed tree branch whips
across her sidelight.

The wind
carries her back to the days
when they would sail the tumultuous seas,
against the warnings
of the red morning sky. She can hear
her beloved saying, “every time
the heavens howl, it’s for you, my dear”.

A classroom crammed with students
pauses to see the natural
commotion beyond the brick
walls. Effortlessly, each set of lungs
matches the rhythm
of the pulsing earth.
For a moment,
they understand
the zephyr’s prose.

And me. I feel
how each leaf, each blade
of grass responds
to the sighs of the atmosphere.
I stand still, in awe
of being engulfed
in sudden vitality
as the debris of my mind
is whisked away
before I can even think
to hang on.


[October 2008]

It was today. I was there,
in my cushioned cocoon of silvers, glosses,
smiles, and errors when it,
marked its presence
within my secret kingdom.

But a mind must go blank
when confronted
with such a force. Spiced
wood, warm
fleece, and amber.
Not enough.

Where the ancient desert sand
kisses the untouched
ocean floor.

The letters trailing behind

The unbearable pleasure
before the pain. My first
piano recital and the haze
of baited breath as the last key was struck.

My tiny foot, adorned-- white Mary Janes,
pressing so hard upon that tarnished brass
pedal. I wanted it to last forever, that sound.
I knew
the release of my foot signaled the escape
of an ethereal beauty. That G

And then the silence.

In Paris, too.
Between the hours of three and four
when even the sun didn’t know
it could belong. Chocolate
jewels through dark
windows. Nobody.

The bread rising
as people busy themselves
with other chores. There.

My nose.

Fire embracing icicles,
Icarus in flight, blues fading,
reds and oranges radiating.




still, somehow,
only a five-letter


Much, much more where that business came from....buuuuuuuuuut, that's more than enough. I think I'll try to sleep now.

Biz, mes amis

I would like a floor of gold

So, eh, the 7 year old in me came out today and...yeah....I was applying gold leaf to a painting and then I was like, " leaf...shellac...wooden floor". And here you have it. Meh, I'll worry about it when I move out. But for NOW, I have a nice, shiny patch of floor, yesssss


So now that my computer is back on track, here are some of my sketches from last year (was going to include in my last post).


Ok, just wanted to share my gold patch with you. Back to "work"!


Come on, little stranger

I'm learning to fly

Hi. I just wrote an entire poem here and then deleted it. Didn't feel like sharing, but it felt damn good to get those feelings off my chest. I guess that's all it takes sometimes.

What a delightful weekend I had, shared with wonderful people across the board.


Saw "The Young Victoria". Aside from the painfully abrupt ending, I really, really enjoyed it. Ah, to wear what they wore back then! So intricate, delicate, and beautiful (and, I'm sure, painful). Prince Albert was....dreamy.

Check out the trailer


The New moon was on Friday.....sent some intentions/manifestations out into the Universe. Felt very right. Hadn't done that in a while...


I wore man shirts all weekend. Today, man shirt paired with mini skirt. Perhaps a new favorite combo. CL said it worked. And I am highly, highly considering the faux hawk. ARGH, why can't I make up my mind?! I just don't want to look like a teenage boy or a lesbian. Both would attract some unwanted attention...

but then I'm like, "well, hair grows".


Sunday went on a little journey to Orient Point, NY. Freezing rain aside, it was pretty great. It's amazing what a small trip outside of the city can do to revitalize you!

Misty beauty


Today was full of stuff that makes ME feel good. Coffee, coffee, coffee, writing, soft boiled eggs/english muffin, sun and warmth, my girl CL (and a trip to Agent Provocateur, rawr!), food at Park, din din, and now some music and art.


I am currently working with water color pencils, acrylics, and imitation gold leaf (random, I know). I would show you a picture, buuuuuuuuut my computer suddenly won't post any more photos. sweet!


The beginnings of what will be an incredibly long play list:

This is good for your ears


Went for a run this morning. Felt amazing. For some reason, whenever Jimmy, by M.I.A comes on my iPod, I think of Monkey Beach, by Eden Robinson. I think it's because I was introduced to M.I.A. around the same time I was reading that book...and one of the main characters is named Jimmy, in the book.

My POINT is, I love Eden Robinson. She is one of my favorite Canadian authors (this is my chance to also give a great big shout out to my man, Michael Oondatje, another stellar Canadian author). I read Monkey Beach 3 years ago and still think about it at least 2x per month. I think what I appreciated about it, besides the well-crafted prose, was how Robinson interwove the oral tradition of storytelling with the modern. The tale was fantastical and magical, but grounded and real. READ IT, if you're searching for your next yummy novel.

From Publishers Weekly:

Jimmy Hill's fishing boat is lost at sea, and while his older sister, Lisa, waits for word, her thoughts drift to their childhood in Kitamaat, a small Haisla Canadian Indian community off the coast of British Columbia. Skipping back and forth between the 20-year-old Lisa's anxious vigil and the story of her upbringing, this lyrical first novel by half-Haisla short story writer Robinson (Traplines) sings with honesty. As a child, Lisa is a feisty kid, a fighter. Her heroes are her Uncle Mick, a Native rights activist who teaches her to sing "Fuck the Oppressors," and her grandmother Ma-ma-oo, who instructs her in Haisla ways. Popular culture and tradition go hand in hand in Kitamaat, where a burnt offering to the dead is likely to be a box of Twinkies, and Lisa's sensible, hard-working parents try to give their children the best of both worlds. Jimmy, a straight arrow, shows early promise as a swimmer and trains for the Olympics. Lisa, meanwhile, is thrown off course by the tragic death of Uncle Mick and joins a gang of tough boys in junior high. A few years later, she runs away to Vancouver and a life of drugs and alcohol. Startled at last out of her downward spiral by the spirits that have visited her since she was a little girl, she comes home just in time to watch as her brother's life falls apart and he inexplicably takes a job as a deckhand. Eventually, she sets out alone to meet her parents near the spot where Jimmy's boat was last seen. Lisa is an unsentimental, ferocious, funny and utterly believable protagonist.


Ohhhhh, I have so much more to write and share, BUT, I am really into this piece o' "art" on my floor and I wanna get back into it and get messy w/ my acrylics.


"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " -- MLK Jr.


You. Are. Magic.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Xylology is cool, man.


Stuffs to share before I dive into this to-do list hovering by my side...


Ice Lanterns

Design Sponge can teach you how to MAKE them! When it gets cold out again, I just may attempt to do so...


I love lamp! [but really, I do...]

This thing rocks. And I need it.

Look at all the cool shapes it can morph into (into which it can morph?)!


And while we're on the topic of cool things that are necessary for my apartment/overall well-being, look at this incredibly beautiful stool. Yep, I said it. The stool is beautiful. Usually I am like, "oh, a stool...ok, I guess I'll sit on it." But this?! It's like...taking my breath away. Is that weird?


Yesterday I suggested that we get these in the office. So far no actions have been taken...


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Even from a broken web...

Anger and tenderness: my selves.
And now I can believe they breathe in me
as angels, not polarities.
Anger and tenderness: the spider's genius
to spin and weave in the same action
from her own body, anywhere--
even from a broken web.

-Adrienne Rich

In that house of bookish females...


Illiterate Progenitor

by Mary Karr

My father lived so far from the page

the only mail he got was marked Occupant.

The century had cored him with its war, and he paid

bills in person, believed in flesh and the family plan.

In that house of bookish females, his glasses slid on

for fishing lures and carburetor work,

the obits, my report cards, the scores.

He was otherwise undiluted by the written word.

At a card table, his tales could entrance a ring of guys

till each Timex paused against each pulse,

and they’d stare like schoolboys even as he wiped

from the center the green bills anted up.

Come home. I’m lonely, he wrote in undulating script. I’d left

to scale each distant library’s marble steps like Everest

till I was deaf to the wordlessness

he was mired in, which drink made permanent.

He took his smoke unfiltered, milk unskimmed.

He liked his steaks marbled, fatback on mustard greens,

onions eaten like apples, split turnips dipped

into rock salt, hot-pepper vinegar on black beans.

[Thanks to Henry for sharing this]



"Moisture is the essence of water, and water is the essence" -- name that movie!


I just remembered that I have Monday off for MLK day, yay! Day trip?


Ok, back to work...big day


Book club meeting tonight. Book was freakin' amazing. It was haunting, thought-provoking, mysterious, and all too familiar (in a new, unfamiliar'll get what I mean if you read it)...Read this:

What Was Lost, by Catherine O'Flynn


and a big [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[HUG]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] because it's Thursday...which means it's almost Friday!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What he said...


“If you want to have a more interesting life, you will make some effort,” is how he put it. “It’s about the organization of one’s life. I am still shocked that so many people are not more creative, by which I mean more demanding of themselves..."

“The main question we need to ask ourselves is: Do I try to be necessary to the evolution of language? Do I try to be original? And being original means using the tools necessary to be original, not just having the desire to be original.”

-- Pierre Boulez

This is making me want to watch" The Boondock Saints"...again

I Wish That I Could Keep You in my Pocket!

Yep....I am officially blogging nearly every song I'm listening to while creating these media lists at work. Muwhahahahahaaaaaaaaaa

The Honeydrips


Baby Elephant Walk...


J'aime bien des fleures

I bought some roses on Sunday eve and whilst dashing out the door this morning, I noticed just how beautifully they've blossomed. I had to take a few pictures...


I love the "antique" roses...such simple loveliness

And a few on top of my shelves, right by the stunning pic of Ms. Chloe in a tutu, cow girl boots, and pink tights in Central Park!

It's amazing what flowers can do to a place...


V is for ... VAST!


lil' blog post before the day fills up with lots to do...


Sometimes I w[o/a]nder


First, the bad mood was cured last night by some special peoples....thank you!

Second, I've also come to terms that it's ok to feel bad/sad/angry sometimes. But it's also key to recognize that we control how we that


For months now, I have been getting messages of white noise on my office voicemail. what?! who in the world has my office # and continuously butt dials me and leaves 5 min. long white noise messages? of course, i jack up the volume and try to detect who it could generally sounds like the person is in some sort of warehouse/big open room. Hm. I am pretty sure it's a man, because there are always numerous man voices mumbling in the background.

Inspired by the protagonist in my current novel, I shall begin keeping track of these voicemails. Starting today.

Already got one this morning!

1.13.10/ 8:42 AM


Tea party, anyone?

Makes me want to run away to some bed & breakfast for a weekend. Or a to a fairy tale land. Looks very "Alice in Wonderland"-esque, no?


OKKKKKKKKK, time to face my inbox and conquer the world. Or at least today's tasks.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A question for you

Hi. What do you do to put yourself in a good mood? I'm interested. And more importantly, getting to the root of the issue, how do you not let the people around you drag you down? usually I'm quite good at maintaining a happy composure, but today, grrrrr. Angry face.


Today's Message from the Universe

When I get e-mails like this, my heart smiles and I feel like everything is just as it should be...thanks TUT!

[The Universe to me, this morning]

The BIG THING, Julia, rarely happens when you ask for it, nor does it typically come from who or where you expect. It usually comes a bit later, from someone you didn't even know when you first asked, as a result of some weird turn of events that were impossible to foresee.

So, chill. Be patient. Enjoy the moment. And let your friends, employers, and partners off the hook. Besides, they're going to have enough to deal with when the BIG THING does arrive, if you know what I mean.

Won't be long,

The Universe


I can't wait for THE BIG THING!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

New Buddy

Check out my new little guy who now resides upon the base of my computer at work. Some may say he's somewhat creepy (which would not be an inaccurate description of him), but I find him endearing. And weird. And a little bit cute.

And from afar, there he is!

[thanks to AP for giving me my new fun friend/child/creepster/naked plastic thing/toy/distraction]



Beet Juice!

The remains of a delicious beet concoction made by LS. Mmmm

Oh ya. Happy Monday. Please let this be a good morning.

If you're reading this, send me some of those positive vibes, thaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks