lil' blog post before the day fills up with lots to do...
Sometimes I w[o/a]nder
First, the bad mood was cured last night by some special peoples....thank you!
Second, I've also come to terms that it's ok to feel bad/sad/angry sometimes. But it's also key to recognize that we control how we feel...so...ponder that
For months now, I have been getting messages of white noise on my office voicemail. what?! who in the world has my office # and continuously butt dials me and leaves 5 min. long white noise messages? of course, i jack up the volume and try to detect who it could be....it generally sounds like the person is in some sort of warehouse/big open room. Hm. I am pretty sure it's a man, because there are always numerous man voices mumbling in the background.
Inspired by the protagonist in my current novel, I shall begin keeping track of these voicemails. Starting today.
Already got one this morning!
1.13.10/ 8:42 AM
Tea party, anyone?

Makes me want to run away to some bed & breakfast for a weekend. Or a to a fairy tale land. Looks very "Alice in Wonderland"-esque, no?
OKKKKKKKKK, time to face my inbox and conquer the world. Or at least today's tasks.
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