Xylology is cool, man.
Stuffs to share before I dive into this to-do list hovering by my side...
Ice Lanterns

Design Sponge can teach you how to MAKE them! When it gets cold out again, I just may attempt to do so...
I love lamp! [but really, I do...]

This thing rocks. And I need it.
Look at all the cool shapes it can morph into (into which it can morph?)!
And while we're on the topic of cool things that are necessary for my apartment/overall well-being, look at this incredibly beautiful stool. Yep, I said it. The stool is beautiful. Usually I am like, "oh, a stool...ok, I guess I'll sit on it." But this?! It's like...taking my breath away. Is that weird?

Yesterday I suggested that we get these in the office. So far no actions have been taken...

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