A few things to share whilst I delve into my lunch break here (and much, much more to come! I promise you I will write a real post this weekend. I, too, am pretty much over this whole alphabet thing, but I figure I should finish what I started)...
25 years of the Apple mouse evolution:
Night Lights
night lights from thesystemis on Vimeo.
In this installation YesYesNo teamed up with The Church, Inside Out Productions and Electric Canvas to turn the Auckland Ferry Building into an interactive playground. Their job was to create an installation that would go beyond merely projection on buildings and allow viewers to become performers, by taking their body movements and amplifying them 5 stories tall.
They used 3 different types of interaction – body interaction on the two stages, hand interaction above a light table, and phone interaction with the tracking of waving phones. There were 6 scenes, cycled every hour for the public.
Interaction Design and Software:
YesYesNo — Joel Gethin Lewis, Zach Lieberman, Pete Hellicar, Kyle McDonald, Todd Vanderlin w/ Daito Manabe sound design
Alexandra from oliver gray on Vimeo.
UM, want! I wonder when they'll start producing these in adult sizes...hm...
The Mini Car Company made it look as if their small cars were delivered in a cardboard box, like a fridge or tv. After the holidays, these boxes were put out on the street to get picked up by garbage men.
This New Year's Resolution generator is cute and an excellent procrastination tool. The first one I got was: This year I will re-read a book from high school. This made me recall how in love with Milan Kundera I am and how badly I want "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" returned to me! ( hint hint...;) )
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