Last night I was lying awake in bed and making a list in my head of all the reasons I'm a lucky girl. The list got really long and it made me happy. Then I had a dream about breathing underwater...and that just extended the happiness.
Andrew comes into town today. In fact, he comes in a matter of minutes. I got this text from him about an hour ago:
"Ju, on plane in Burl. One time me and text subway directions again to your apt?" I might add, this is after I sent him the world's longest e-mail yesterday about how exactly to get to my apartment from the airport AND how exactly to get to my office.
"One time me" is an Ange phrase. When I first heard it a few years ago, I was like "wtf?". But it's grown on me. It basically means "come on, just this one time." So, for example, you could say: "The guy at the ice cream shop one-timed me and gave me extra whipped cream". Or, you're asking a friend for a somewhat grand favor and you say, "can you one time me and [insert favor]"
Anyway, excited to have the bro here for a few days
I like this


by Matt Brown
A lot of people sort of twist their notebooks when they write in them, this Slant-Ruled Notebook by Matt Brown has lines that are at a 45 degree angle- good if you have to write in a tight spot, like on an airplane, or in a trash can...or the subway.
The Zen Humidifier uses no electricity: Instead, water is drawn up through the wood and evaporated into the air. According to the designers — the Japanese firm Okada — this process evaporates water six times faster than if you left in in a glass.

Oh yeah, another list I made in my head while trying to find sleep last night: books that I've lent people that haven't been returned yet. Sad. I love my books. So, my dear friends, please return them to meeeeeeee.
Refusing Heaven
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
The Book: On The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
When You Are Engulfed In Flames
Falling Man
Thom Gunn, Selected Poems
The Alchemist
George Orwell: A Collection of Essays
Minima Moralia
That's all I can think of for now...
I love sharing books...a book loved and not shared is like a child loved and not, um, let out to play with the other kids (?). Whatever, you get it. I just wants my kids back, people!

Sweet! [and a little disturbing]
Dear Van Gogh is a mug by Mike Mak with a silicone ear-shaped handle that twists and flexes.
French has no word for home,
and we have no word for strict pleasure. A people
in northern India is dying out because their ancient
tongue has no words for endearment.
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