I was walking around Chelsea the other evening...maybe 7pm, after I had met up with the lovely ms. krysta. We were catching up on each other's lives and for some reason I tilt my head down and to the right. Beside the curb, there was a florescent green puddle. I kid you not. Just a random green puddle, in the midst of an otherwise gray, damp street. No indication as to the source.
There is a woman who lives up the street from me. If I were to guess, I'd say she's about 73. In her 70s, at least. I moved to Manhattan in August, when the air was still so thick you could lap up the heat with your tongue, or grab handfuls of it and stick it in your pocket. I immediately found my favorite spot to get coffee and started trekking out each morning in my pajama shorts and flip-flops at 7am to grab my cup o' joe before getting ready for work. This woman, let's call her Marianna (I have decided that's her name), would always be standing out on her stoop...looking around. Looking for what?, I wondered. Always in the same attire: White, shoulder-length, frizzy hair, skin with a history, a white terry cloth robe with big orange spots on it, and light blue fuzzy slippers. These misty, muggy mornings, I would slow my pace as I neared her stoop, hoping that I would be able to catch her eye and start a conversation...get a little window into this woman's life. But, to no avail. Her eyes were always fixed somewhere far beyond...beyond where any human eye could actually see. Searching.
As Fall and Winter blanketed the city, I stopped going out for coffee at 7am regularly, and when I did, Marianna was not on the stoop (understandably so). Today though! It is finally getting warmer and I was walking home from work around 6:15 and much to my delight, Marianna was on her stoop once again. This time in a light-weight sky blue robe, same slippers, same hair, same gaze.
There are so many things I imagine her being...and so many things I imagine she was. And she's still looking.
One of my goals this summer: Befriend Marianna.
For three days now, there has been an old leather couch sitting in the foyer of my courtyard. Two wounds are patched with duct tape, but cream fluff still oozes out. I am formulating its story in my head. Its long list of past owners, or its one faithful owner that has just outgrown it. Hm.
Among the three books I actually have to read for work this week (beautiful), I picked up a fourth, entitled: "Do Polar Bears Get Lonely?" [subtitle: and answers to 100 weird and wacky questions about how the world works]. Interesting stuff. The words "weird" and "wacky" in the subtitle almost irritated me enough to not grab the book, but I'm glad I overcame my detest for "goofy" words (ugh, "goofy" is another one that gets me...or "silly") because I am learning a lot of useFUL information (not useLESS, Mr. Serhant!)
Ahora bien,
si poco a poco...
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